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- 工业设计 | Light Engine Limited
Industrial Design Heat Sink Design on Shovel Tooth Technology A well-designed thermal management system is critical for the longevity of all LED products, especially when developing high-power LED lighting products such as street light cities and the 1200W high-power grow light for greenhouse. Our industrial designers work closely with the R&D team to design a highly reliable thermal management module, by taking serious account in minimizing weight, reduced production cost, and maximizing the efficiency of heat dissipation. Fins are connected to the heat sink body, directly, no interface media Without interfacing medium, high long term reliability Shovel tooth technology can handle thinner fins, higher heat sinking efficiency Spacing of fins can also be adjusted flexibly, strong adaptability tools Short turn around time 热管技术 最大化热性能和亮度 能应付极大热密度的设计 增加产品寿命 制作细小,高效,乎合特定形状的散热器 : 如AR111等防眩光产品符合预定的尺寸和成本目标 局部去绝缘层铅基板 高功率 LED 直接金属对金属热传导 中轴是热管,发挥最佳散热效果 Plastic Housing Technology Simplified mechanical structure Minimum mechanical post processing (low cost) Electrical insulation (non-accessible metal) Suitable for high voltage LED and non-insulated PSU Light weight Elegant Streamlined Design for Street Lighting 创新的弧形玻璃盖设计,方便清洁 精密的平行鳍片和光滑顶面,更利于自然清洁 质轻的单向压铸外壳(9.9千克),提高安装安全 高效的散热设计保证了产品的使用寿命
- Milestones | Light Engine Limited
A Heritage of Excellence and Dedication Our founding family launched the first light bulb factory in China as a pioneer in lighting In 1942. After seven decades, Light Engine has inherited and still maintains all our founding family’s core values, including their commitment to quality, and to becoming one of the longest-serving and most respected lighting manufacturers in China. Following the invention of the first blue LEDs in 1996 by Prof. Shuji Nakamura, Light Engine’s founding members devoted the company exclusively to the development of the innovative new LED lighting technology. Today, the company provides advanced, high-quality, and environmentally sustainable LED lighting solutions with a comprehensive range of cutting-edge products for almost all lighting applications. Milestones In 1942 Late 1980's 1986 Late 1990's 2000's 2010's The future Our founding family launched the first light bulb factory in China as a pioneer in lighting Light Engine's founding team was the pioneer in China in starting the LED module assembly business for dual color signs and traffic message boards. Following the invention of the first blue LEDs in 1996 by Prof. Shuji Nakamura, Light Engine's founding members devoted the company exclusively to developing of innovative LED lighting technology. Set up the 1st high-lumen LED packaging company in Southern China. This grew to become the largest analogue mobile phone LED display manufacture, a top tier OEM LED solution partner and a key LED component supplier in China. Light Engine changed the business focus to LED lighting solutions. The Light Engine Industrial Park was established at that time and it became the largest LED lighting company in China. Light Engine endeavours to provide advanced, high-quality and environmentally sustainable LED lighting solutions with comprehensive and cutting-edge products for lighting applications. Our mission is to promote lighting and technologies that satisfies the visual, intelligence and biological needs of human beings in the smart world in the 21st century.
- Smart Control for Energy Efficiency | Light Engine
Close Next Next 智能控制能效 Dali Node灯光控制解决方案 Dali Node 是一个简单、可靠、易于使用的界面照明控制解决方案。 在一条线路中,同一个DALI 接口最大可以达到 同时连接64 个 DALI 设备 。 将其集成到网络或设备中可以为加油站带来极大的灵活性,以根据不同的时间及其需求来控制、调整或调度动态照明环境。 更舒适 避免过度的光线给员工和周围的居民带来视觉上的不适。 节约能源 不需要时调暗灯光。 更环保 更少的能源消耗意味着更少的碳足迹。 Contact us for more information
- Smart Product OEM ODM | Light Engine | Hong Kong
A PROMISED FUTURE from LIGHT ENGINE A PROMISED FUTURE from LIGHT ENGINE Professional engineering consultation Advanced technology applications Extensive sourcing network Sophisticated & Certified laboratory Comprehensive manufacturing supports The depletion of the world’s natural resources. The problem was never solved, indeed, becoming more serious. Light Engine is aware of it and strives to apply innovative technologies, in order to increase the human world’s natural capabilities, bridging the gap between sustainability targets and urban development strategies. Feeding the world sustainability Light Engine applies technologies and creates products for the horticulture market with a mission to help increase green product production with great return on investment (ROI) in an environmental yet progressive manner. Read more Increase production rates and raise healthy poultry Lighting is one of the most important farming inputs influencing the production of meat, egg production, and other protein sources. Also, the spectrum of light plays a crucial role in incubation and raising healthy chicks, ducks, and turkeys. Read more Combat virus for a cleaner environment Sanitization and disinfection are becoming a norm for humans within city infrastructure, and residential and commercial applications in the post-Covid-19 world. UV-C LED’s efficiency is gradually catching up with the market. Read more Smart Control for Energy Efficiency There is an increasing ecosystem or architecture for IoT deployment across verticals. The connection of everything resulted in astronomical growth in market volume. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will continue to unlock more innovation and revenue streams in many industries. Read more Smart Control for Energy Efficiency Service providers like the petrol stations are consuming 24/7 electricity on lighting. Integrating the network into a wireless control protocol provides flexibility to schedule the light and dim down when not necessary for energy saving. Read more Light source 3.0 for commercial and hospitality Converting conventional lighting to retrofit energy-saving solutions to support sustainability, and people wellness initiatives, improve productivity, help reinforce your brand to clients, and most important, help save up to 75% of your energy use and costs. Read more
- 自动化和机器人生产线 | Light Engine Limited
Automation Controls Compatibility of Different Lighting Control Protocols Light Engine is working toward LED lighting solutions that are fully compatible with all Building Management Control Systems. Compatibility of different lighting control protocols – Several much used lighting protocols in Building Management Control System include DALI, PWM, 1-10V, etc. In order to work with those control systems, all LED lighting products being designed are compatible with these protocols. 电脑照明控制系统能连接多个副系统,大大提升照明装置及楼宇自动化系统的整体灵活性及效率 自主研发 自动感应节能系统 自主研发透过自动感应节能LED灯管及牛眼灯,达到最高节能效果 与LED照明产品完美结合,节省60%或以上的能源,投资回报迅速 灯源寿命长达3,5000小时,维修成本低 设计独特,照明性能品质高 高效能,进一步减少碳排放 Wireless connected lighting Light Engine is working towards innovative wireless connected lighting, which offers a scalable, affordable, and easy-to-install home automation lighting solution for general consumers. Street light energy management solutions Street light energy management is designed to reduce energy consumption by managing public road lighting effectively to deliver precisely the right level of lighting in the right place at the right time. Dimming systems are ideal means of saving energy without adversely affecting either light uniformity or safety.
- PURA-Panel | Light Engine Limited
English 繁體 简体 PURA-Panel空气洁净LED灯 设有UV-C LED灯的PACONANOTECH™过滤器 消灭99.99%的细菌、病毒、破坏SARS-CoV-2的活性 PURA-Panel能照亮空间,同时净化空气。内设先进的过滤系统,能因应消毒区域的大小,提供非凡的空气洁净效率。而获得专利的 PACONANOTECH™过滤器可过滤空气中的污染物,包括消灭污染物中的细菌、病毒、VOC(挥发性有机化合物)和异味。然后,UV-C灯会破坏空气中微生物的DNA和 RNA,阻止它们繁殖,最后会释出新鲜洁净的空气。PURA Panel更有不同尺寸迎合不同天花的位置及大小(600毫米x600毫米、625毫米x625毫米、2英尺x2英尺)。 成为第一个知道! 订阅以获取 PURA -Panel的详细资料和报价。 名字 姓氏 电邮 订阅 Thanks for subscribing!
- Refurbish energy-saving light in public housing areas
Close Next Next 公共住宅区广泛使用的LED壁灯 LEDs have the longest life span in the lighting industry. The average LED light bulb lasts 6 times longer than the average CFL bulb. Besides, LEDs cost anywhere from 40% to 90% less than fluorescents to run. At the same time, LEDs do not generate excess heat, which can add a substantial amount of money to your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning bill. Since early 2016, we have adopted LED bulkheads as standard luminaires for communal areas of domestic blocks in all new works projects under planning or design. Starting from 2019/20, LED bulkheads have been adopted in communal areas of existing PRH blocks during the breakdown maintenance. In addition, LED Exit Signs and Directional Signs have been adopted in new developments tendered out in or after 2019. Source: https://www.housingauthority.gov.hk/mini-site/greenliving/en/common/energy-efficiency.html Contact us for more information
- Instant ambiance changes with an effortless fingertip | Light Engine
Close Next Next 简单的指尖即刻改变环境 欧美市场智能泳池灯 为美国领先的商业水上运动公司和品牌提供智能泳池灯 120V LED 替换灯泡的大功率泳池灯将标准白炽泳池灯升级为充满活力、色彩丰富、节能的 LED。 可以通过简单的指尖远程更改为暖色调或冷色调照明 - 无需重新布线或更换安装灯具。 Contact us for more information
- Awards & Recognitions | Light Engine
Striving for the Better World Light Engine is well versed in the lighting business. The company has acquired ISO9001, ISO14001, and IATF16949. We have made continuous technological advances while also working to preserve the environment. This approach has earned recognition from the global market in recent years with several prestigious awards. The awards recognise Light Engine’s excellent industrial performance and the many contributions the company has made to society. We are proud of these accolades which have motivated us to excel even further in our eco-preservation and technological development work. 智能物联网灯的创新 2014 中国最具国际竞争力 LED 企业 2014 中国最具国际竞争力 LED 照明企业 2012 中央实验室获得美国 【能源之星】认可检测实验室 2011 中央实验室 - UL 测试认证 01/19 - 01/23 惠州市工程技术研究开发中心 2021 Laboratory Accreditation Certificate of China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment 2021 - 2024 Certificate of IATF 16949:2006 of SGS 2021 - 2024 Certificate of ISO 9001:2015 of SGS 2022 - 2025 Certificate of ISO 14001:2015 of SGS 01/19 - 01/23 Engineering and technology research and development center in Huizhou 01/19 - 01/23 天祥集团认可卫星实验室 2012 中国饭店业 十佳绿色供应商证书 01/19 - 01/23 中国饭店业 十佳绿色供应商奖牌 2012 年金手指奖 -优秀商业照明供应商 2012 中国 LED 照明应用 百强企业奖状 2011 中国 LED 照明应用 百强企业奖牌 2011 广东省战略性新兴产业 基地荣誉专案 2011 广东省高新技术企业奖牌 2011 广东省高新技术企业证书 2011 高校节能突出荣誉证书 01/19 - 01/23 国家重点新产品证书 2011 国家火炬计画项目 2011 高校节能突出贡献奖 2011 广东省 LED 绿色照明产业科技示范企业 2011 中国 LED 照明应用百强企业 2012 中国半导体照明行业优秀企业 2012 十二五广东省制造业资讯化科技工程试点企业 2012 广东 LED(惠州)产业技术 创新联盟 2012 国家火炬计画 重点高新技术企业 國際認可
- 照明认证检测中心 | Light Engine Limited
Lighting Certificates & Testing Center Solid State Lighting Certification & Testing Center We established a 2,000sqm Solid State Lighting Certification & Testing Center in the factory to test and research existing, emerging and interdisciplinary technologies. Light Engine also offers an independent, responsive, and cost-effective Solid State Lighting Certification & Testing Center that helps shorten product time-to-market, reduces risk, and improves quality to enhance the value of the product in the marketplace. Light Engine's Solid State Lighting Certification & Testing Center can test a wide range of materials and components thus to help to reduce risks and improve quality. Modern inspection and automated testing facilities include automated burn-in machines, EMC testing, IP testing, NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) testing, durability testing, and other performance-related developments. The facility is recognized as a Fully accredited data laboratory of Intertek for Energy Star "UL" & "CE" WTDP (Wireless Testing Data Program) Laboratory Laboratory for IEC62471 - Photobiological Safety Measurement Satelite for Intertek CNAS L7856 Testing and Calibration Laboratory by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment 灯光体验展示厅 元晖照明体验厅总面积约为2千平方米(2万1千5百平方英呎) ,分为6个区域。展厅模拟了现实生活中室内外场景,与我们的尖端照明产品相结合,创造出一种身历其境的体验。